How Soros Makes Billion And Give Millions

How Soros Makes Billions…
Soros’ Quantum Fund makes money by anticipating economic shifts around the world. In 1992 Soros thought the British pound would lose value because of political and economic pressures. He borrowed billions of pounds and converted them to German marks. When the pound collapsed Sept. 16, Soros repaid the pounds at the lower rate and pocketed the difference. His profit: $1 billion.

…And Gives Away Millions

In 1996 Soros’ foundations distributed $360 million for projects all over the world. Some countries received more money from Soros during the year than from the U.S. government.

BLUE TYPE shows where Soros outgave the U.S. Government Amount Soros Gave in 1996 U.S. Aid in 1996

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